Symptoms of people infected with HIV/AIDS
Symptoms of people infected with HIV/AIDS - One of the most deadly disease today is Aids, until now may not be the find an effective drug that can cure AIDS. so here we will explain some of the symptoms rather than someone that has had AIDS infection.
Actually there are no symptoms found that a person must have to determine the HIV/AIDS but had to go through blood tests. However, symptoms of the common people infected with HIV/AIDS usually are:
* Weight loss fall substantially, usually more than 10% within 1 month;
* A fever of more than 38oC, with a sweat for no apparent reason at night;
* Chronic diarrhea for more than 1 month;
* Fatigue prolonged;
* Enlarged lymph nodes are settled, usually around the neck and groin;
* Itching;
* Herpes skin; and
* Other disorders of the skin, hair, eyes, mouth, genitals and others.
Technorati Tags: symptoms aids, aids infection, HIV symptoms
Posted by Mhd Masykur
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