Symptoms of HIV | AIDS Disease
Symptoms of HIV | AIDS Disease - Here are some recommendations that can be delivered several symptoms that may be of concern, which may arise in people with HIV/AIDS.
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Be careful of reading or interpretation of all the symptoms presented below. The symptoms are presented is very general and very broad, if only based on the symptoms of HIV/AIDS
1. If you suffer from flu-like symptoms or the spots on the skin, can not be stated that this shows whether you are suffering from acute viral syndrome (AVS) or not. Only by taking an HIV test (HIV antibodies) conducted three months after possible infection from HIV-infected people.
2. If you suffer any symptoms and will not fade after one or two weeks, or symptoms that you suffered was more severe than others, immediately consult a doctor, regardless of the cause that might cause these symptoms.
3. Keep in mind can not be stated whether the symptoms that you suffer as a leading HIV symptoms or not because all the symptoms of his association as a symptom of HIV will look similar to other diseases. Only with the HIV antibody tests alone can determine if we are HIV positive or not.
I see a lot of convincing himself that they were suffering from symptoms of HIV based on them. most people try to match the symptoms that they suffer today as a symptom of acute viral syndrome or AIDS. Do not ever do anything like this. It is very xylophone convince ourselves that we are suffering from HIV/AIDS is only based on symptoms alone, whereas in fact we do not infection that will only cause you stress and anxiety become excessive. Symptoms that arise in you can only show us if the symptoms persisted incurred/not cured or existing symptoms become very severe or the symptoms that arise more heavily than others, then visit a doctor immediately. It can only be done by the symptoms that arise. Do not ever diagnose HIV/AIDS only from the symptoms.
Need declared, no one, not you, not me, one on the internet or the hotline of HIV/AIDS, can tell to you that you are suffering symptoms related to HIV without doing lab tests. Yogi Prasetia.
Posted by Mhd Masykur
Blog Rating 5 from 5
Hi my name is Sophia, I was worried if I had HIV and was scared
and also shy to go get tested, so I went to and
ordered the HIV instant tester kit for myself and ordered for a
few more to keep with me in case I ever want to test people that I
have sex with to ensure they're HIV negative :)
this picture appears on other pages as part of the "popular posts" I wish it wouldn't.
Aids is still a mystery killer, I wish some genius scientist would find a cure for this horrible disease. RIP Freddie Mercury <3
ya, we wish some genius scientist to find this drug
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