Night Sleep Affect Children's Brain Growth
Night Sleep Affect Children's Brain Growth | Child's body has never stopped growing, even while they sleep, especially in the golden years of age (12 months to three years).
Generally, the long night's sleep is also a major effect on brain development in children, because the sleep remains be a priority for children.
Children need plenty of rest, because the growth and child development is very dependent of the bed, Without enough sleep, the child will not grow optimally, because here is happening repair brain cells, and approximately 80 percent of the growth hormone produced.
Parents should be smart to savor the moments that are important for brain child growth, one of which is when your baby sleep at night. Abnormalities in the brain also can be known of how the child's sleep patterns and sleep disorders will lead to the opposite effect.
all things that occur during sleep are a reflection of the activity of certain neurons in the central nervous system, which changes dramatically according to child development.
Therefore, sleep is related to child development, and has a connection to the child's cognitive functioning. The study, conducted the University of Minnesota and University of Montreal found that sleeping at night and naps are managed by different parts of the brain, in terms of circuitry and circadian rhythms.
Thus, time to sleep at night for a child can not be replaced with sleep in the day. The brain child growth also needs proper nutrition, because the brain needs energy to grow.
Posted by Mhd Masykur
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