Nutrition In Pregnancy - Healthy Eating

Posted by Mhd Masykur Thursday, April 29, 2010 4 comments

Healthy Eating - Balanced nutrition is very important in pregnancy. Mother Food is a source of nutrition for the fetus in the womb. Along with fetal growth, nutritional needs will increase. The first step to building a balanced diet with nutrients is to see what kind of food that will be in consumption. In an early gestational age. Needs the extra calories will be obtained by adding three servings of food to eat small portions of three large, it also can reduce the nausea that often occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Healthy eating
also means avoiding foods and beverages that can be harmful, which includes an alcohol, narcotics, and cigarettes.
For nutrition during pregnancy, should she eat one every day or two types of fruit that is rich in vitamin C and a minimum of one serving of vegetables a dark green or dark yellow for extra iron, fiber, and folic acid. Eat red meat as a source of iron. Beware of foods that Mom is always eating, some foods may contain bacteria that are harmful to fetal development.

To be more clear about healthy foods for pregnant women, should consult to your doctor.

Balanced nutrients is foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. In his translation is rice/potatoes/bread, vegetables, meat/fish/beans, fruit, oil, and milk. If needs can not be met through food then she should take a supplement with advice from the obstetrician.

Some of the principles of healthy eating during pregnancy:

Healthy Eating Tips 1: Change your ating Way

You are now pregnant, then your diet should follow the diet to eat for pregnant women. In pregnancy you need more consumption of protein, calories (for energy), vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and iron for your baby's development as well. Remember you need an additional 300 calories per day.

Healthy Eating Tips 2: Do not Diet during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not the right time for the Diet, as it will only harm the mother and baby. Diet during pregnancy will cause a lack of vitamins, minerals and other important during pregnancy. Weight gain in pregnancy is one good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women who eat well will gain weight gradually, typically will give birth to healthy babies.

Healthy Eating tips 3: Dining with a Small Portion but Often

In the first trimester there are usually complaints of nausea vomiting (morning sickness), try to overcome by eating small portions but often, avoid spicy and greasy food. Eat small portions but made several times is recommended every 4 hours. Remember though you are not hungry, but your baby needs food/nutrition regularly.

Healthy Eating Tips 4: Drink Pregnant Vitamin Regularly

The food you eat is the best source of vitamins-but are you sure your diet contains enough vitamins needed during pregnancy, which is mainly iron and folic acid which is indispensable for the growth of healthy infants. For that you should take your vitamins regularly.

Healthy Eating Tips 5: Drink Enough Water

8 glasses a day. Because you need enough fluids for you and your baby. 33% weight gain in pregnancy is a liquid. Fluids are needed to build the baby's red blood cells for system circulation, the amniotic fluid. Your body also needs water during pregnancy to overcome constipation and regulate your body temperature.


Expand eating high-fiber foods, fruits and vegetables can help you cope with constipation during pregnancy.

By making healthy eating, not just make a pregnant woman fit and healthy, but also help the healthy development of your baby.

Remember your baby's development depends on what you give and do for him.

Title: Nutrition In Pregnancy - Healthy Eating
Posted by Mhd Masykur
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