Honey and it's Benefits
YOUR lack of sleep? Experiencing stress after completing a job? Or you sore eyes, coughing, lack of blood? Want to know what are the benefits of honey, see the benefits of honey.
To burn
Apply with a flat above the burned part. Honey would be cool, relieve pain and help with fast healing without korengan. Besides functioning as an ointment and anti-biotic, bacteria can not live in honey.
A teaspoon of honey before bed to help reduce bedwetting in children.
Sleep Deprivation
One tablespoon of honey into a single cup of hot milk will help you sleep and work well.
Hard Work
Honey is full of various vitamins, minerals, amino acids and so forth. Replace all use of white sugar with honey. Less sugar contain other nutrients besides calories.
Nasal congestion
Put one tablespoon of honey in a basin of hot water and inhale its steam after you close your head with a towel over the basin. Very effective.
Wounds or abrasions
Cover the wound with honey and bandages. Healing is excellent.
To Fatigue
Not dissolve one tablespoon of honey in lukewarm water or honey-quarter to one part water in a place and enter it in the refrigerator. Honey mainly composed of fructose and glucose, thus will be absorbed quickly by the digestive system. The ancient Greek athletes used honey for stamina before the match and as a refresher back after the game.
Cleaner Home
Mix it with honey and oatmeal approximately equal comparison, align and use as a mask. Allow half an hour then rinse. Good as pimple remover and others.
Mix honey with apple juice, vinegar approximately 50:50 and dissolve it with water. This will help with digestion. (Also very good for the bones of the joints)
Nourish hair
Mix honey with equal amount of olive oil and then rubbing on the hair and scalp and cover the head with a warm towel for half an hour then wash out. Honey can provide nutrients for the hair and scalp.
Pain (Sore) Throat
Pour a teaspoon of honey and put it in the back of the mouth and swallow them by the throat. Honey is very effective to cure the sore throat.
Treat Stress
Honey in water is a stabilizer? Can calm the tense mind and support your mind when you're relaxed. Use approximately twenty-five percent of honey in water.
Anemia (less blood)
Honey is an addition to the blood which increase the content of the blood cells. More and more black honey contains minerals.
Food Preservatives
Cakes by using honey as a substitute for white sugar will be much longer fresh because it contains a natural antibiotic. Reduce liquid to about one-fifth to let the moisture honey.
Heart Disease Patients
The better the patient is recommended to replace sugar-containing sucrosa, with honey, which contains natural fructose and glucose.
Read Also Honey adding our appetite
Posted by Mhd Masykur
Blog Rating 5 from 5
Wow! Honey seemed to be promising when it comes to our health. I should try this.
Yes.. honey so nice to health
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