Tips to prevent dengue fever
Monday, February 15, 2010
NOT only in the rainy season, dengue fever now can come at any time. However, you should not panic. This disease could be prevented with a simple way. Dengue fever disease is still the leading cause of death to be wary of. Usually the diseases caused by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are a lot of outbreaks during the rainy season. However, as the environment changes and the cycle or the mosquito life cycle itself, this deadly disease can strike at any time without knowing the season.
"Vigilance remains to be increased in the rainy season because there are many puddles that could become a den of striped Aedes aegypti mosquitoes blamed for spreading dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)," said health experts from the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia, Dr W Tri Yunis Miko MSc. Well, now you should start vigilant, lest you and your family this disease.
Tri Yunis said that dengue fever is an infectious disease that occurs in tropical countries. "The disease is transmitted by the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti and A. Albopictus, "said the doctor who took a degree in Public Health epidomology University, Manila, Philippines.
The symptoms of dengue can occur suddenly and last for 2 to 7 days. Dengue fever in people with fever is often called a saddle. Because the patient's body temperature tends to fall-rise (3-day heat, day-to-4 down, and rose again on day 5).
"Changes in temperature are often misleading. As the child's body temperature is high initially and then decreases, the mother thought her daughter was cured. Though the child may be suffering from shock, "he said during the launch program" National Movement Prevent Dengue Fever "which was held Baygon products from PT Johnson Home Hygiene Products (PT JHHP).
Clean living by not letting a single mosquito larvae in the home and neighborhood is the best prevention efforts. Basically DHF cases can be overcome if not late getting medical help.
"Only a small proportion of cases classified as severe DHF or dengue shock syndrome," he said.
Phase of dengue infection was divided into three, namely fever phase, critical phase, and the healing phase. In the phase of fever, the mother can do some therapies such as the provision fever febrifuge, warm compresses, and supportive therapy through the provision of oralit, salt sugar solutions, fruit juices and milk.
"Make sure children get fluid intake by drinking. If the child can urinate every 4-6 hours, it could be an indicator that the liquid was enough. In addition, measuring body temperature every 4-6 hours, "he said.
"In the critical phase, patients usually can not eat or drink because no appetite or vomiting. So, should really be treated, "he said.
Miko tells us, in this phase is also fixed the amount of fluid should be adequate to avoid the risk of bleeding. If the patient can not eat and drink by mouth (especially happens shock), then the doctor will usually indicate the provision of intravenous fluids. "Expand fluid intake is required for those who suffer from dengue fever," said Miko.
Keeping the body from dehydration is also important to do that fever does not develop into shock. As a sign of dehydration of the skin, lips and tongue become dry, was thirsty, have not urinate and decreased skin elasticity (skin of the abdominal wall when pinched can not bounce back). While the signs of shock when he threatened them fast but weak pulse, sweating and cold skin.
Medical Entomology expert Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Dr. Upik Kusumawati drh said Hadi MS, prevent dengue fever can be done from the most simple way, namely the eradication of mosquitoes nest (PSN) that can be done with 3M PLUS activities that drain the larvae breeding, closed water containers, cans and bury used tires, and use mosquito repellent and use mosquito net (mosquito net) is done in a systematic, continuous, and simultaneous.
Title: Tips to prevent dengue fever
Posted by Mhd Masykur
Blog Rating 5 from 5
May this article useful to all. All copyright reserved. if you want to copy, you must put a dofollow backlink to Thank for reading.Posted by Mhd Masykur
Blog Rating 5 from 5
Very informative tips to prevent dengue fever and we must spread this information to bring this useful info in others's notice aslo.
san antonio@ thank for coming, dont forget for spread to Another... may useful
I will add that to my list, nowadays it's dangerous to stay outside.
yes sure,, we must sleep well inside..
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