13,424 People Affected by HIV/AIDS in Indonesia
Since 1987 until December 2006 as many as 13,424 people affected by HIV/AIDS in Indonesia.
The number is just based on reports from health teams and social institutions that care for HIV/AIDS, said Agus Widarsa of the National AIDS Commission (NAC) to National Between reporters after giving training on AIDS in Palembang, Tuesday.
According to him, that number is likely even greater because the disease of HIV / AIDS is like an iceberg that is only visible on the surface. Also estimate the amount more because people still feel reluctant to check themselves against the disease is dangerous enough, he said.
He said, in fact HIV / AIDS can be avoided if people understand the process of transmission of the disease and need the help of mass media. HIV / AIDS can be transmitted only among others through sexual intercourse changing and syringe users for drug addicts, he said.
If the process of transmission were known to the public can avoid the disease of HIV/AIDS, she said.
He admitted, the National AIDS Commission continued to provide good education and the process of transmission of HIV/AIDS at all levels of society.
However, he continued, in this socialization are still experiencing side constraints, especially funds that still rely on outside help.
Regarding the government's need to budget funds for AIDS prevention and eradication to HIV/AIDS can be implemented optimally. It has been proposed in Parliament that the government will allocate funds for AIDS that is expected to be realized in 2007, he added.
Posted by Mhd Masykur
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