3 Easy Steps Away from Flu

Posted by Mhd Masykur Wednesday, August 8, 2012 5 comments
3 Easy Steps Away from Flu | BFJNQQMUAY76 When the seasons change, the symptoms of flu is a disease that often occurs, especially if the immune system begins to weaken. As quoted from Healthmeup, here are 3 Easy Steps Away from flu, so you stay healthy and fit in all seasons.

3 Easy Steps Away from Flu

1. Do not sneeze at hands
When will sneeze, most people immediately shut the mouth with both hands. This is actually wrong? When you sneeze, it is not likely the bacteria will settle in hand and unknowingly be spreading germs if you then go back to touch your nose and mouth, or even someone else. If you do not prepare a tissue or the like, in a pinch you can sneeze into your elbow.
3 Easy Steps Away from Flu

2. Inadequate water consumption
Water is not just relieving thirst, but also able to shift toxins and germs in your body. When you begin to feel weakened immune system, soon to consume enough water.

3. Healthy food
The best way to fight the flu is by eating foods that contain lots of vitamins A, B, C, and vitamin E. meet your daily intake of vegetables and fresh fruits. Researchers say that the phytochemicals contained in vegetables also helps your body fight the cold and keep you fit. In addition, use healthy cooking methods that able to retain nutrients in food that you consume.

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7 Tips for Maintaining Dental Health During Ramadan

Posted by Mhd Masykur 8 comments
7 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Teeth During Fasting | Maintaining healthy teeth during fasting must to be done, not eating and not drinking is not a guarantee that dental health should not be noticed. Below we will provide tips in maintaining dental health during Ramadan.

Maintaining Dental Health Tips for Ramadan

1. Brush your teeth after eating a meal [meal before the morning], and dinner after breaking the fast that must done. Make sure to first brush your teeth immediately after the meal eaten before you went back to sleep.

2. Maintaining Dental Health During Ramadan. It's good, you use dental floss (dental floss) which serves to clean up the remnants of food that is not affordable between the teeth. Then gargle with mouthwash.
7 Tips for Maintaining Dental Health During Ramadan
3. In the period of fasting, to eat the meal, make sure you consume enough water. Fill the water intake of 8 to 10 glasses. Not just to freshen the mouth organ, but water also prevents excessive dehydration when you are a lot of activity.

4. In addition to multiply the water, the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Emphasize fruits that contain lots of water.

5. Reducing the intake of cigarettes is a wise thing. Because the smoke after the meal, it exacerbates bad breath and teeth.

6. Avoid a sticky foods, like chocolate, cheese, and more. It is feared that the rest of the food will stick in between your teeth, it happen if your brushing is not appropriate.

7. Keep a routine to check the teeth to the dentist for 6 months.

Those are some Tips for Maintaining Dental Health During Ramadan. May be useful.

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Honest People More Healthy and Happy

Posted by Mhd Masykur Monday, August 6, 2012 2 comments
Honest People More Healthy and Happy | To obtain a healthy body, make sure you always eat fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and stay away from lies. According to research, more honest people who are physically and mentally.

A study showed that the average American lied 11 times in a week, ranging from "white lie" a sort of compliment, to infidelity or a more serious lies. According to research conducted by Anita Kelly, professor of psychology at Notre Dame, if we reduce the number of lies that we do, in fact we can achieve a higher life satisfaction..
Honest People More Healthy and Happy

"No lie is clearly associated with better health," said Kelly.

"Lying can cause stress to many people, triggering anxiety and even depression. Reduce lies not only good for your relationship, but also healthy," said Dr.Bryan Bruno, chairman of the psychiatry department of Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City.

A habit of saying and acting honestly for 10 weeks also make it more intelligent participants avoid lies. For example, responding to questions that could lead to a tendency to lie with another question as a diversion.

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Salmon consumption Influencing contents of Breast milk

Posted by Mhd Masykur Sunday, August 5, 2012 1 comments
Salmon consumption | Recent findings of scientists at the University of Reading and University of Southampton, United Kingdom indicates that the consumption of salmon during delivery can raise levels of important nutrients in breast milk. But on the other side also reduces disease-fighting antibodies passed from mother to baby through breast milk.

As you well know, salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acid content, which is important during early childhood development during the growth and development. In addition to good growth of the baby's brain and eye, omega 3 also can maintain healthy blood vessels, heart and immune system.
Salmon consumption Influencing contents of Breast milk

This is why pregnant women are often encouraged to eat several servings of fish rich in marine omega-3 content of the week.

However, very few people know about the effect of fish oil intake during pregnancy on the content of omega-3 fatty acids in breast milk (ASI) and the immune substance, which is transmitted from mother to infant during breastfeeding.

To determine the effect of consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in human milk, researchers conducted a study of dietary intervention, in which pregnant women were randomly assigned to eat according to normal practice, and other high intake of salmon.

The researchers found that mothers who ate salmon during the final trimester of pregnancy had an increase in the proportion of omega-3 fatty acids in breast milk during the first month after birth, but also lower levels of secretory immunoglobulin-A (Siga) - important antibodies found in breast milk serve to protect the baby against infection.

Pregnant women in Britain today are advised to eat one or two portions of oily fish a week, and limit consumption of tuna and avoid eating swordfish and mackerel. It is intended to balance the intake of omega-3 level, while also restricting foods that may contain high levels of mercury
, the researchers said, Parveen Yaqoob, Professor of Physiology of Nutrition at the University of Reading.

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Preventing Side Effects of Radiotherapy

Posted by Mhd Masykur Friday, July 27, 2012 0 comments
Preventing Side Effects of Radiotherapy | You are that undergoing treatment with radiotherapy should be careful with its effect, and I believe you must always fear the effects of radio therapy. But you fear you can dispose of, The important, you want to hear instructions from the officer radio therapy because of adverse effects of radio therapy may actually be prevented.

According, radiation oncology specialists from the Hospital Dharmais Jakarta, side effects of radiotherapy depends on the location of the radiation, the number of doses, the radiation field area, the condition of the patient's body and the external factors, such as temperature and humidity.

Acute Side effects, meaning: occur quickly after receiving radiation, such as the form of redness, bubbles arise on the skin, skin damage, and necrotic tissue. While the subsequent effects, could be tissue shrinkage, bleeding and dry mouth.

There are several clues that can be done to prevent the emergence of side effects caused by radiotherapy, which he described as below:

How to Prevent Side Effects of Radiotherapy

1. Dental hygiene and mouth
In cancer patients who will undergo radiation of the head and neck region (eg, nasopharyngeal cancer patients), exposure to radiation will hit the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. If the condition of oral hygiene is not maintained, then the infection could have occurred.

2. Not eat or drink too hot or cold
Especially for patients who received radiation in head and neck region is recommended not to consume food or beverages that are too hot or cold. Because the food and drinks that are too hot or cold can affect the membranes of the mouth is still very susceptible to injury due to radiation effects.

3. Avoid sweaty skin
Sweat on the body will greatly affect the radiation exposure received. In anticipation of side effects, you should check all parts of your body such as the armpit (the usual sweating), before receiving radiation. Side effects usually appear until a week after radiation. Skin that is wet or aqueous can trigger skin reactions more quickly, so it can be scab later.

4. Avoid direct sunlight
skin exposure to radiation would have to be very sensitive to sunlight. You can protect skin from the sun with umbrellas. If you want to use a sunscreen / sunblock lotion, ask your doctor what is appropriate.

5. Adequate nutrition
Diseases that cause cancer in appetite, especially if followed by a mental health condition that falls or depression. Ensure nutritional needs met either by number, type and schedule to maintain healthy conditions in the treatment.

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